Teachers who have a good understanding of the common “needs” of school parents are better equipped to manage parent-teacher communication. We all have basic needs like food, water, and oxygen. […]
Often the initial response to an emotionally charged email is to fight back or pull back, and then emotionally disengage from the parent. When we consider our role as partnering […]
When things are going well with a child in the classroom, the teacher will hardly hear a peep from the parent, but it something is off, watch out! When things […]
When I was growing up, if the teacher sent a note or called home to my parents, I knew I was in trouble. Historically in America, I think teachers were […]
As a society progresses and advances, people can easily fall into the trap of equating “old” with out of date, useless, and irrelevant. This includes technology, business, education, medicine, appliances, […]
Over the last couple of weeks, the news has been covering the Senate confirmation hearing of the latest Supreme Court nomination. I know that a lot of people have very […]
There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding the controversial incident that occurred at the 2018 US Open final match between Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka. I’ve waited until some of the dust […]
The last thing someone wants to do after a crushing defeat is to grab a rag and a mop and start cleaning. But that’s exactly what the Japanese National Team […]
Has anyone noticed how little eye contact there seems to be these days? I was wondering if it was just me or if there has truly been a decline in […]
‘You do you’ is a common slang phrase among young people. Translation (for those of us a generation removed): ‘Do whatever you believe/feel is right for you’. Our culture places […]